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so I have a problem with the tapes they wont play when I click on them it either shows a black screen or one of the videos that actually played if there's a solution then I would be grateful

could you release a post explaining all the mechanics? i understand the first map but i cant wrap my head around the nightclub


alright. the bar at the top will drop when the dj changes the color in your room you have until the bar is gone to hit the same color button on the desk in front of you.

whenever you hear "youve been a naughty boy" check the cameras for the tiger standing at one of the vents in the hallway cameras. Hit the sound button to scare her off. she will burn the vents if your too late and if she burns all of them you loose. Next the other little tablet on the left side of you (its within your starting distance you cant actually turn left) do a scan and block the door to whatever one has the ! mark on it. if failed to do so they bandit animatronic will steal the gem and youll loose. There is a door on your right that can have 2  outcomes from what ive experienced so far. theres a big dog looking thing that idk what actually does but you get to either accept or decline the order. idk what happenes if you decline but if you accept nothing happens. And there can be a little cat that if clicked on will make you pet its head until its happy but everything will still be going on in the backround. This is all i know so far. good luck

thanks thats really helpful, im not getting the voiceline you're talking about for some reason, and losing the gem seems to do nothing for me in the .7 preview, ill report those bugs on the discord, thanks

(1 edit)

I just finished the entire demo I really enjoyed it. I beat the minigames and all the story missions but there was no actual sex scenes to unlock even dying did nothing? is there really no sex scenes for those who wanna try the game before buying even just an image gallery? its not a huge deal I was going to buy the game anyway but its still sad you don't even get a picture or two.


I'm now 1 hour in I'm really enjoying the game, the main thing id like added (other than more scenes and images) is the porn channel on your desk to be a viewable tape.

(1 edit) (+1)

I just would like to know when the game will be out on steam, and will it be the same price?


so first things first, so far i'm loving the game! very fun and some decent controlls to try and learn. one this i wanted to know is how do you unlock the futa scenes? and do you plan on having any options to make characters futa or every character a futa?


please i require futa


yes do it

Would be cool if the gatcha machine worked similarly to the gift gatcha in Danganronpa games. Where the more gems you put in at once gives you a higher percentage of getting a figure you don't already have.

Although for that to work you would have to be able to get multiple gems per run. Maybe they could be hidden behind random interactable props on each map. Just to add some risk to gem hunting, you could add the possibility of a jump scare behind a prop instead of a gem that could disable the player for like 3-5 seconds.

Looking forward to future updates!

Wanted to mention a possible issue. So, I pick up a bunch of VHS tapes, but after completing the night, I only unlock 1 scene???

My guess it will only unlock either the first or last tape picked up for that night, but the issue is, I have no idea which tape I've unlocked (you can't read them when clicking them while playing the actual game is what I mean). 

Also, it still sometimes seems like you don't unlock a new video even when collecting tapes. I don't know if this is because I have already unlocked that particular tape OR if you can only unlock a tape if you win the night OR something else. 

I'd just really like it clarified because now I don't know which tapes to click on since I don't know which ones are which, especially since every tape comes back every single night regardless if you clicked on them many nights before.

Again, just asking for a bit of clarity on how the tapes work. It would also help if the tapes went away in game once that particular scene unlocks.

On a different note, I love how the game is coming along! The only real issue I've ran into is the one I mentioned above.


Remembered three other things. It says to smash all the red lights to unlock a scene, but I've done this about 20 times and still nothing. Do you have to also win the night or are there just some very hidden ones I don't see? Or maybe even smashing the lights in the menus (which I also did, but still nothing).

For unlocking the scene with the funny number of nights, is that going to be night 69? 

Last thing, I PROMISE (for now lol), what constitutes a very successful night for the nightclub to unlock that scene?

Ok all done for now. If you read this entire thing, you deserve a hug! ;3


Hello! Thank you so much for playing our game.
The vcr collectables are meant to be a shoutout to old school collectathons. They do not directly unlock tapes, however if you collect all 12 of them (across the two maps) you will earn a sex scene. 

Check out the new unlocking table in the main menu. 

Thank you again and lemme know if there is anything else you need!

I thought of a few other questions:

It says to smash all the red lights to unlock a scene, but I've done this about 20 times and still nothing. Do you have to also win the night or are there just some very hidden ones I don't see? Or maybe even smashing the lights in the menus (which I also did, but still nothing).

For unlocking the scene with the funny number of nights, is that going to be night 69? 

Last thing, what constitutes a very successful night for the nightclub to unlock that scene?


Lights are bugged, but are fixed in the new update that we are working on. It is night 69.
Lastly try completing a night with 90%+ popularity.

We largly did this build to test out the unlocking system, which went good for some of the unlockables. However  some were a bit broken after some testing.


I updated the game but it still says 0.5 when i open the game. How do i play the latest version?

Use the browser instead of the itch app!

Hey so my game still says I'm on ver 0.6 but I downloaded 0.7 preview, ntm the intro didn't load and I tried deleting it then redownloading but still didn't work, I need help

We just forgot to switch it originally. Was crunching to get an update out since it has been a few weeks TwT. 0.71 will have a correct versioning


A few comments on the new map now that's more fleshed out.

-Sammy breaking the generators is nowhere near enough of threat. In fact you can pretty much ignore her and you'll win before she gets them all. Also even if she went faster, once you're down to 2-3 gens it gets much easier to monitor her rather than try to deal with 6-7 rooms at once. Either there needs to be some kind of penalty for losing some of them, or monitoring Poppy needs to matter ; otherwise the best strategy will be to simply ignore the camera for most of the night. The camera monitoring thing is a problem on the first map as well, since the girls teleport around randomly giving the player no incentive to track them.

-Vents minigame is fine.

-Misty's minigame is a bit too simplistic to be interesting.

-The two that come to your door are a bit more interesting, though it takes them way too long to move out right now.

Graphically it's looking nicer, so there's that at least.

So make Sammy more aggressive! gotcha. 

Misty's is more oso meant to be the easiest job. I will discuss other potential additions to her metagame a bit later when the area is more fleshed out.

Thank you for testing it out!

I did have almost everything know misty's tapes were bugged, but I did clear my save and not sure what else I'm supposed to see? or if obtaining the tapes I already had are different or done the same way?

Also know the nightclub layout changed a little and can't find the last tape now, I thought it was in one of the hallways?

can you do Android version ?

Yes. Later on we can do an android version.

ok thanks


Anybody know a channel who make horror gore animation video. I remember there is a snake who head can fell and a video where a boy is running from a big monster and a guy with a noble or magician suit come out and stop the monster and try to show friendly to the boy but maybe he is the headmaster who created all of these monster. 

(1 edit) (+1)

occasionaly, the following bugs may occur.

Left clicking does not fix broken places or close doors

Unable to switch cameras

(1 edit)

Okay doke, I believe this is an issue with something invisible getting in the way. Ill have my programmer check out this one specifically. 
Was there anything else major?

Is there currently a way to escape the shark?


Is it a bit too hard? We have decreased her difficulty quite a bit since shark week. 

Nevermind, the shark is fine. I just didn't know i was supposed to spam left click--lol.

(1 edit)

If you want to make the shark game mindlessly easy then map left click to scroll wheel

Edit: you cannot map the controls that way from settings iirc. I used a third-party software because Im cheap that way 

hey i need some help i bought in heat and i could only download the old versoin the newer ones only show up as a file on fire fox and wont let me play the game plz help

Deleted 2 years ago

There should now be a downloadable zip instead, we will continue to use zips forever on.

Try downloading the game now. it should be packaged in a ZIP file rather than a RAR file. 

*Things To Add* (optional)

For tapes could we get a number system saying how many tapes are in total? 

Achievements would be a nice feature to add. Give people a since of accomplishments and as well we can then see what things we can do to unlock items.

Hardcore Mode: Once pick if you die once u lose all items. 

Make like 20-20-20-20 similar to fnaf

Deleted 2 years ago

How do i het mistys sence that says i bet misty would be pretty thankful if her concert went well

Deleted 2 years ago

I still don't get how to play this game lol.

(1 edit)

Is the 0.6 Preview playable? i guess since its a Rar file i can't play it. It only wants to open in notepad. (Note: i know next to nothing about file types and execution)

Download winrar its a free program that lets you open zipped files

Yes. it is playable. I have now released 0.7 in a zip format if you want to try out some of the new systems as well. 

any new thing in 0.7?

A Nile and Maddy coop scene. A Misty scuba scene. A new unlocking system. 

can you please repackage this as any archive other than RAR?


Can do. legit just did it!

Could we add new shop item where you can collect clothes for the all the characters?(Cosmetics) Or have it were you can get character clothes through secret videos or achievements? 

Also maybe add some cool new desk features for both Nightclub and Normal Mode. 

This could be naughty photos, lewd videos playing on the computer(click computer to play lewd video) Lighting, and etc


We will integrate more into the shop system later on in development. It costs a lot to get clothing made for our 3d models unfortunately. What I want to do is have the shop system be utilized for models of the characters, and lore. 

The desk features are all cool, but we have a future level that is going to take place on a campground. Not sure how to implement anything outside of a laptop for that.  


Could add monitization to the game. Like if someone wants a new piece of clothes cost 1-20$. But I hear yah its expensive to do 3d models. 

Laptop would work or cell phone. That would be pretty neat for a theme. Could do almost a Phasmophobia play style. Game has a campfire theme and the game works perfectly on there.


Despite all the obvious bugs and whatnot, I do appreciate the consistent updates. It gives something to look forward to and feels like you're really watching the game grow and develop. Keep up the good work! 


Thank you so much! I hope you will enjoy the final project!

.7 is pretty swag, although most of the girls are missing, the gallery board is pretty cool. Although the Night club doesn't really have the warning audio for the generator things it just yells at you then it's gone.

This was figured out yesterday after some testing, if you redownload you should have what the testing team played

(1 edit)

Can we get a key for steam after realese. After buying here?

Unfortunately no. Itch and Steam are not the same shopfront. Also Critical Bliss will be publishing our game on Steam.

Will be on Android??

An android exclusive title is potentially going to happen. but please wait a bit for an announcement next year.

nope just tried did not work

Maybe it means to uninstall if there are miss characters.

There was an issue with the uploaded file, somehow it got corrupted. The new upload should be what we wanted to show you players.

un what i hover over the 0.7 and at the end its just un

Could you provide more context? I am not sure what you are trying to ask. 


audio is pretty much not there in nightclub. It's uber quite and if we can get some music like in the normal gameplay that would be great. Maybe redo vault rotations it's kinda hard to see it. Also make the staff members to attack more. They only get to the walk way at 7am. 

Great game btw love it! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Any chance we will get new wolf characters soon? 


Yes, we actually just got some music finalized for the game. We plan on misty mini game on the nightclub to switch songs every 1-3 minutes. and at that time you will need to switch your color. 

Ari and a new hacker character should be introduced soon.

Awesome can't wait to see it. Really enjoying the game so far. 

Btw some tapes are a bit glitchy. Nile has an animation  freeze. I forgot which tape. Also some tapes only play for 1-2 seconds then kicks you out of watching. 

Other then that the new Experimental patch is working much better. Seems to fixed most of the bugs.

Deleted 2 years ago

Oh yes. due to the fact our builds come out so fast, Microsoft will not be able to keep up with verifying if its good or not. Most games on the Itch platform will give you this sort of warning. You should be able to run the program if you click "Run Anyway" or some sort of dialogue option like that. 

i thank you for the reply but the error that im getting says "couldn't start: c:Users/zachs/appdata/local/temp/

Create Process() Returned 2

i dont hate you guys i love the idea of this game and i really want to play it but man this sucks i have tryed to download all the versons i could and this always pops up 

Hey so my boyfriend fixed it for me thankfully i tried to download it off crome and it didnt work however now that he got me the app installed i have no issues thank you

0.7 is hella broken. Popppy and Niles are missing entirely from the standard map, some of the videos don't play and softlock the game, and the vent minigame in the nightclub doesn't actually work. Would definitely have held off on this release even if it's still 'preview'.

Yes yes. I released a Devlog on this issue here

Basically it seems that something happened with the upload process to since the Subscribestar version was working as intended. Currently we are fixing up the video files as well. it seems as if several videos from our guest animators were rendered in too high of a bitrate that pc's couldn't play some of the videos. 

I'll try out the fixed version today then, thanks.

So, I am one of the people getting the white screen/unplayable tape issue. The 0.7 preview update has fixed a part of the issue that causes the tv/pc to not play any video, but still drain sanity. Unfortunately however, the tapes still don't play. Definitely a step in the right direction though, Ty Monster Box!

Yes, while we had the errors discussed with a corrupted upload

We will be decreasing the bitrate of several videos to prevent issues like what you said above. A bit of experimentation is happening due to the white screen issue that we have been tackling (Luckily a lot of it seemed like an issue with our previous programmer building the video system in such a way that it had a problem loading stuff. Frenk, our programmer has redone the system and is currently testing compatibility for different types of GPU's atm. I once again want to thank you for your assistance with making this game better ❤️❤️

(4 edits)

Few bugs.

Black screen for 1min when loading. I think i have to click and then i can see the game (no intro anymore?) :(. 

Next when you are doing normal runs, you cant complete them cause you are permantly frozen just before you complete the night. I can't complete any of the missions now. I even tried erasing data. Does nothing. 

Lost half the tapes? and the other half are bugged. It shows a "white label". 

Vault radar for night club does glitch. I press the button and it wont go on sometimes. Staff Room Girls don't come out at all. Also The other cat Staff is missing? I don't think you get money from completing the Nightclubs? I didn't receive any.

Some of the tapes end to quickly like 1-2seconds. (nightclub)

Gallery does nothing. Just gives a quote i guess. Yes about the staff room and the videos. it seems that the latest build on itch was corrupted somehow. We were mostly attempting to test the unlocking screen before rolling out a more major build. With your help we discovered several bugs and such so the release coming in the next few days should be a ton better!

i think the preview is very broken I spoke about this in our latest devlog. It seems as if the upload was botched in some sort of way as Subscribestar users were not encountering the critical issues. We are addressing the video issue with a decrease of bitrate on several videos which should help with loading the leads. 

(1 edit)

srry but when is update and just knoe i still love and support this game with all my heart

Well, there is a 0.7 preview download so now

t I also highly recommend reading this!


So what is the difference between the demo and full version?
I'm a couple nights into the demo, let myself die and win. No adult content in sight. I wanted to see if the adult part was any good, but I can't seem to find it.

(1 edit)

there are some video tapes that you find by doing random things like finding tapes on the original map, surviving with certain items, get killed with by or with something, the tapes are loops of the OC doing H stuf, the game still in develop so dunno what may happen in the future, there is no H on the demo


I see. Well at least one or two features of H stuff is probably enough to let players know what their missing out on. Put up a big info-graphic saying that the H they are given is all that exists for the free demo, full version has more, so on.

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you are asking too much for a free demo, its pretty clear is not a free game, there is so much info in discord and on the devs log


I'm sorry I do not mean to over-ask. For an adult game demo, so much as one adult scene usually is not a lot to ask. Most free adult demos usually have multiple scenes available to entice the player to purchase the full game. My comment comes from being a developer myself. This is an alt account given that context obviously. But I do recommend demoing at least one, or just a fraction of one if your scenes are lengthy. Demo players thinking about buying sometimes need a sample of the hook of the product. Which by the itch page, appears to be animated adult content. This is just like the methodology many adult animators use. They preview just a portion of the animated scene, letting people know what they are in for and entice to purchase the rest.

I don't mean to info dump you, I am sorry for that. Just intended to throw a short tip, but I didn't expect the response I got. Will this change profits by hundreds of times? Probably not. Probably not even by half. But it is known to work with varying effect from creator to creator, and usually doesn't ever hold any downsides.

I mean well and I wish you luck!


TL;DR - I'm a developer which means my opinion matters more than everyone elses, PornShark wants them freebies bad

This Has To Be One of The Best Game out There with Lewdness. Very Similar to Fnaf in a way and comes with Original Characters. Very Fun to Play. Tho, we're not really told much about the Character. Would love to see perhaps some backstory in the future or maybe something about their description or personality. VERY GOOD GAME! Showed it to some of my friends and they LOVED it. This Game has HUGE Potential!  


i was curious, is there any plans of adding futa stuff? or anything else equivilant to that?

Futa is already in it (hint unlock the tapes from Cass)

We plan on having shadow versions of each character of which will be much more aggressive and will possess a dick. With a big focus on Ari's Shadow. 

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