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Will there ever be an android version?

There might be an android In Heat game, but it would be dialed back in quality

I just bought this game and every time I open it says

LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 258] Direct3DDevice->CreateUnorderedAccessView(Texture->GetResource(),&UAVDesc,(ID3D11UnorderedAccessView**)UnorderedAccessView.GetInitReference()) failed  at D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Private/D3D11UAV.cpp:116 

this anyone know what this is? cause I'm confuses

Yes this is an issue in general with Unreal. Would you mind joining the discord for some closer correspondence?

Excited to see an adult game where the game itself is well thought out and addictive, and leaves room for more content. Only thing lacking for me is more adult incorporated elements. Maybe items that allow certain interactions with chars, buy an item that gives you a cutscene. New characters and levels. Really great concept, excited to pay this project forward. Keep up the good work, will be following this closely!

Just bought the game and I love it, wish there were Japanese text tho, Google translate is not so good

We will have it translated later on!

I could help with that actually, If the team happens to be short on translators of course.

The game is great, but the phone call on night one is a bit hard to hear, would it be possible to make it more audible in the future?, also best of luck in the future this is a gem in the making.

We will be completely redoing that aspect of the game, so yes it will be louder and we can also provide subtitles.

Is the demo the same as steam?

Slight differences! but pretty much the same experience. 

It was a good run, I got all the gallery from sheer "determination :P". As of now I bought all the plushies only, anything good on buying the other stuffs?


from what I see some items have special bonuses, like temporary preventing heat buildup, will no doubt be useful on later nights as the game does keep you busier the farther you go and sanity becomes harder to maintain with needing to close the doors more often at times both at once so the stress toy sees more use and heat can prove to be to your determent.


Furbose said it well. Different items grant different bonuses!

Thank you!

(1 edit)

is there any way to get the blender models for the characters???

Likely there is a way to get them. The team has no official released models. We are looking to have some official SFM models made in the future!


why would any type of human want to play these games???


Because pine cone that's why.


what do you do when the room goes black? also how do i unlock more scenes lol, and are there only 4 girls? (LOVE THE GAME BY THE WAY)

We plan on a lights out mode, which will increase difficulty. We will definitely have more girls! And we love you!

(with scenes, they are unlocked with the In-Game items, like the plushies. Members of the discord also are very happy to help with any more hints.)

Thanks so much! ^^ <3

Oh also, where might i find a link to the server?

can someone tell me how to get the sammy scenes? i know about the plush one tho.

You should get all the sammy scenes by playing with the plush on your desk.


The game is very easy. Is there a chance there can be a very hard difficult. 

Yes it is planned!

My man!

Not sure if anyone else is getting this, but new version won't start. Says LowLevelFatalError. Not sure what to do. Tried moving some files around too, but no luck.

(1 edit)

We have been addressing errors like this in the discord, could you possibly join at ?

does the red light bulbs do something? i think i destroyed all of them but nothing happened also how do i unlock poppis second scene (If you are a Poppi Superfan, you will need to invest in her!)?

I'll just plop this thing down here. It was done by  buying her merch in the store, but the rng seems a bit weird. Poppi's unlock is a bit finnicky, we are fine tuning it, but just in case the game doesn't want to give  you the video yet, I have uploaded it on our twitter.

One video is acquired from winning the minigame on the menu before starting a new night, poppi seems to be the only one that has an unlock in this way, the others are gotten by surviving a night with poppis plushy and collecting all secret tapes with the her plushy on the desk and surviving, not sure about the last but it seems to be the case, but I am sure about the first two.


Just brought the game, it's great. I see many potential on this game.

I hope there will have more interactive options for real time rendering animation. 

For example, adjustable view angle, adjustable speed, adjustable clothing(dressed & half nude), more animation (e.g cowgirl:lean forward/backward, hip movement only, circling movement, kissing/licking camera etc.)

Also it would be great to add collectable death scene gallery and more death scenes or special death scenes that only trigger in specific circumstance like 0 sanity, multiple girls at the door, death when porn playing, death when rubbing toy etc.

Thank you for playing the game! For the real time rendering, I am not sure if we want to push farther into it, since some users are seeing some framerate drops on stuff, especially the new misty jumpscare. We will need to test more just to make sure that this game can be played by everyone. (and real time animations aren't something you can turn off)

There will be special animations that you can only unlock in special circumstances, so don't worry!


It will be great enough with the pre-rendered animation.

It just feels more immersive to have monster girl ride on you with POV during the death which maximize the mixed feeling between lust and fear. Maybe add more pre-rendered death scenes(?)

Anyway, thank you for created such great game and attractive characters here!

(3 edits)

About the misty mini game with the door, I have noticed if it starts while the door on the same side is shut already despite her forcing the door open the door seems to block her from view so when she forces the door open all I see is door, I seen to have never ran into this issue when I was on my original save, of which happened many times without the issue mentioned above, though thinking back I don't think I ever had the minigame start when the same door was closed as my sanity was draining and I did not hear the computer playing its video this was all on version 0.41.

Can please make a web version


The web is not strong enough to render our sexy butts. 


Can't boop the nose, 0/10


Going to make the nose boopable



(2 edits) (+5)

The game is honestly really fun. Really wish the lewd animation that plays after a jumpscare could be viewed from the gallery though


This game lags too much :(

Deleted 1 year ago

same is there a fix?

(1 edit)

Hiya! I’m going to assume this is about the Line 258 Error?

We’ve generally seen this occur on systems with 1GB of VRAM. Due to the amount of Textures & Models within the game we can only support systems with 2GB+.

Version 0.3 still had some leeway with the amount of memory the game was using but with the update to 0.4 it seems like we’ve crossed that limit. Sadly we can’t really do anything about this.

If your system has more than 1GB of VRAM feel free to check into the Discord or shoot a mail to so we can investigate this further!

Dam... I feel like I gatta ask for a refund then if I can't play.


I love how the game feels and looks with this update. Here is a short vid to show some of it off.


I keep having a lowlevel fatal error when I run the 0.4.1 version not sure if Im missing something. it says its in line 258.

(2 edits)


We’ve generally seen this occur on systems with 1GB of VRAM. Due to the amount of Textures & Models within the game we can only support systems with 2GB+.

Version 0.3 still had some leeway with the amount of memory the game was using but with the update to 0.4 it seems like we’ve crossed that limit. Sadly we can’t really do anything about this.

If your system has more than 1GB of VRAM feel free to check into the Discord or shoot a mail to so we can investigate this further!


with the new update i lose all my progress from day 30 to zero again! needed to make a save files


how do you get the poppi videos is it not the plushy

Deleted 190 days ago

Thank you so much for reporting this! 

Poppi's unlock is a bit finnicky, we are fine tuning it, but just in case the game doesn't want to give  you the video yet, I have uploaded it on our twitter.

Also due to compatibility errors, 4.1 does not look at previous save files. It was largely causing soft-locks with the previous builds unfortunately.

Deleted 190 days ago

does blowing out all red lights do anything?


cant figure out how to get last poppi scene(i have the tape one and the minigame one),but other than some things being confusing its a rly great game, keep up the excellent work monsterbox.

(1 edit)

As stated in a previous comment, Poppi's unlock is a bit finnicky, we are fine tuning it, but just in case the game doesn't want to give  you the video yet, I have uploaded it on our twitter.

And thank you so much! We hope you enjoy the future updates and upgrades!

(1 edit)

amazing job on this new update great work! so sometimes the plush u use for the "fear" sometimes somehow when u return to ur office the plush is gone! i use a poppi plush i survive 5 nights i playing 5+ minigames and i cant unlock the new scenes! + the new items from is never let me buy it for 3 nights the is its empty

i really hate this buy it again and behold the gallery still white blank the games good but with this broken thing i really question myself should i keep buy the game or just forget about it and looked another game that still in beta but not broken like this

Deleted 190 days ago

Keep buying the game? you should only need to buy it once!
It should forever be in your library, and you can download new builds from there!

(3 edits) (-1)

i paid for 0.4 and i was really, really, BORED. The enemies are not aggressive in the slightest. They just wander aimlessly and there's no consequence for not fixing anything. I got so bored, i pulled my phone out, and survived an entire night. i checked the clock, it was 5:00. checked the holding pen...they're all still inside! 4 nights in, i only got attacked twice. there seems to be a bug, because i got caught by the tiger girl, only for her to turn into the shark mid door opening animation, so i just saw the shark scene twice!

Up the difficulty, make these enemies aggressive. Or at least let me go to the options and slap this baby into ultra nightmare because not only did i not get off, I left to play civ 6. Holy hell. Religious victory as Portugal, immortal difficulty, thank you for asking.


I would like to say the devs on discord are great by the way. The issue was caused because I used saved data from the free demo. Delete save data if your AI are mellow, and passive. Evidently also if the game crashes a bunch. However, the free demos save is located in a different folder. check your c/users/[username]/appdata/local

You are great too Neutralgear!

So, uh, I'm having trouble getting the last poppi scene (I already have the tapes one and the plushie one) anyone mind giving me a hint?

Ive copied and pasted this a bit, so just in case. Poppi's unlock is a bit finnicky, we are fine tuning it, but just in case the game doesn't want to give  you the video yet, I have uploaded it on our twitter.


uhhhh so the shark girl keeps attacking me, what am I doing wrong?


on the left camera of the office, her door is on the left side and she has a button that shuts the door. you have to check on her occasionally to shut her door to keep her from attacking you.

I'm having a problem where the clock is not moving. It is just stuck at 1:00 the entire night; the night did not end.

(1 edit)

How long was 'did not end'?  There's some extreme RNG in the variables every night, sometimes the nights last 10 minutes and sometimes they're done in a minute.

"Did not end" was indefinitely. It's possible I didn't play long enough and the night was actually progressing, but I was playing for probably about 10 minutes. Like I said the clock wasn't moving either, so I just assumed it was bugged.

(1 edit) (+2)

Tried out the new build. Nice update, the game is a lot more fun to play now that there's more to do. Really like how the girls all have their own 'special attacks' to mess with you now. Definitely makes it stand out a bit from other FNAF style games. Really looking forward to seeing the remaining characters and mechanics.

Thank you so much lean!

Had this problem since a while back. Whenever I want to watcha video it shows the last frame of the into. Shows only monsterbox and all.

This one i believe is based on having previous save data from that rather early build, have you attempted to clear your data?

yeah even deleted my old games as well

Just downloaded & tried to run the latest update, I get a black screen on launch for about 15 seconds then it crashes back to desktop. 

Could you send me your specs?

also on your old executable, could you try deleting your save off of it. and then start up the new build? it might be something with the save file

Yep I deleted my old save tried it again, same result, I also tried running as administrator, same result. Also, by specs do you mean OS & hardware? I'm running windows 8.1 with an i7-4790k, 16gb ram@1600mhz with 1080ti graphics.

8.1 eh? I will be completely honest we have not done testing with that o.s. Are you in the discord?

Well the two previous game builds seemingly worked fine up until this one, Also no, I do not use discord.

Gotcha, this is unusual. I am sorry i cant get you a direct fix right now but ill have my team investigate.

Hey I've just bought your game and I am having trouble running videos of your gallery. All that happens is it plays the first mil seconds of your intro and pauses and stays that way, is there any known fix?

(1 edit)

This is a very interesting issue, are you apart of our discord? you can probably give us some very nice information going further!


Does the team plan on adding VR to the end product??


VR is likely to be a completely different title. It would be too hard to integrate it into our current systems.

However we are already in the process of making some of our maps explorable on platforms like VR-CHat

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