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So does anyone know how Ari works in Nightclub mode? I keep seeing gold customers want to have her sent their way, but they end up dead everytime.

Never put Ari in the diamond room as she will kill who ever you but in there with her.

Deleted 112 days ago

Dont put ARI in Diamond room. the MOONLIGHT in the room transforms her into her EVIL counterpart (seen in N12 of Security)

how do you unlock the gallary

You have to find the VHS tapes scattered throughout the cameras in the Admin map. They spawn randomly.

thank you

May I ask how to unlock the Steam version gallery

Где блин написаны их имена?

Do I have to make a new purchase every time there is a price increase

you don’t it should be in your downloads 

Damn, got to night 12 did the 1st part but p2 is way to hard or im to slow for it

For (iosMac users) Nightclub is simply just unplayable... 

I tried all display, mouse, and control settings to see what makes it smoothest. Security room controls are the smoothest as you use non-game cursor. Once you go in camera-mode the game cursor is just too unresponsive and not smooth to move the girls or customers around. I know this game is best suited for pc users. So this isn't an attack at the Devs. Main issues are just camera mouse, if I could use my own cursor and not the one implemented in cams. I believe it would run much smoother for mac. I am still pleased to see the release of this update and will continue to support. I don't expect fixes for iosmac to be made as windows should be the priority ofc. 

Thank you, Developers! As I know many others are enjoying the new content you all created for us.


wonderful update and great story and cutscenes the only big ask i can have is a galary with all scenes inside it like the lewd jumpscares, lewd scenes from nightclub as you see only a couple seconds especially with nightclub!!! and mabey even one day the poses!

aye would be dope if we had all the scenes in the gallery i'd also make the nightclub scenes infinite but skippable instead of the 5sec clips


After playing several of the builds over the past few years, this game is REALLY bad at actually telling you how to play.

I only really knew how to do the main gameplay (which is now apparently a chapter 2) because that was the only thing present with the least changes in between builds, and because somebody in this comments section explained how to play about two years ago.

Having to rely on external information just to figure out how to play the game is very poor game design. Add in a proper tutorial (even if it is just the most bare-bones list of controls and things to pay attention to) because this just carries the same amount of confusing jank no matter how many times the entire thing is reworked every few months.


i think you're exegerating a bit i didnt have too many problems with the controls and mechanics the game might be subpar when it comes to explaining mechanics but i wouldnt really call it bad a lot of things could use some more explaining but i wouldnt say you need to rely on external info


how unlock gallery

The update is very solid, but I am having bad crashing issues on the Nightclub mode on Night 4. After rebooting the game, I reset back to night 3 and had to do the whole night 3 over again.

how do you update game lol

Overall a solid update. 

A few things about the Night club: 
Maddie seems to have been neglected a bit here in terms of animations. Both towards the customers and the operator/sec guard in normal mode. 

I mean we get it, she is huge and heavy. Meanwhile Ari even has one for crying when killing a customer. 

I never figured out how to fix the suddenly locked rooms. Maybe I missed the explanation, maybe there wasn't one.  Going by one of the steam pictures I take you need to find whoever is hiding inside the trash can. Even if I'm right though the possible trash panda though, the night where the mechanic is introduced barely leaves any time to fix the issue. 

I can't really check whether something is in the room either as the robot keeps falling through the floor. 

Something bothering me for a while in main mode: 

Ever since you changed engines again, the entire facility is overgrown with grass that is also clipping through the area. Can you please start removing that? I really makes no sense for it to be there, and going by how it's clipping through the floor it's clearly not meant to be there either. It's also kinda distracting. 


The lock means you have to find the trash panda in one of the garbage cans yeah.  I did notice that mechanics seemingly get introduced on the night before they are actually explained.  Or at least I swear that's what was happening when I played it.

(1 edit) (+3)

Sharing my thoughts after a few hours with the new Nightclub mode:

Conceptually I think it is great and the gameplay is pretty solid as well.  The mode makes the game feel way more unique instead of the FNAF spinoff that it was before.  The gameplay is also pretty solid, there is a enough layers to assigning the girls out that keeps it engaging; needing to manage their lust meters, assigning the right girls for the tips, trying not to have too many blue guests go off at once stalling you out etc.  I can definitely see even more depth added to this system which is great.

Visually things are a little rough, the new outfits for the girls are great but the animations feel a little stiff to me.  Not to mention the clipping through the girls vaginas when they jump you.  The lighting feels a little flat as well and some of the visual elements in the actual admin room are pretty bland.  But I expect all of that to improve over time, the focus I'm sure was on getting the gameplay down pat which I think you guys have done a pretty good job on.

My one major critique is the roam bot.  The bot moves way to god damn slow and rotates even slower.  Heaven forbid you turn the wrong way when trying to find the trash can girl or go to the wrong room as you will waste an insane amount of time.  There should be punishment for going the wrong way for sure but it feels waaaay to punishing at this time.  Even when you choose right it still feels like it takes way to long to get where you need to go.

Also I feel the whole door mechanic either needs a better explanation or needs a better tell on which side and when the girls are going to jump you.  As far as I could figure out the girls will first appear on the sofa's outside of your office on either side and when they show up there they will then jump you if you don't close the right door on time.  However I swear I've been jumped without them showing up on either sofa, if that even is the signal.  It's entirely possible I just don't understand how this mechanic works exactly but I can never exactly pinpoint when the girls are going to show up and when to shut the door.  I think I figured out what was happening, the girls can sit very close to the door making them hard to see if you are just quickly jumping from camera to camera.  You have to pan down a bit to see them if they're sitting there.  Still don't know if there is a clear way to tell when they will appear so you're left jumping back and forth between the cameras.  Might be fine as is would need to play more with this discovery.

The above issue leads into my next one which is that it is way to easy to get snowballed if even one girl gets into your room.  I do want to say that I absolutely LOVE that the girls jumping you is a punishment and not a game over and don't want that going away.  However currently it feels like if you mess up and a single girl gets in get ready to have every single one of the lining up to run a train on you.  I'm not 100% on how to stop this effect other than putting a cap on how full the other girls meters can get while you are getting jumped.

Lastly on some of the later nights it feels like the influx of customers does not keep up with the girls lust gain rate.  I'm currently on night 8 and finding that I am running out of customers and having to wait for pretty lengthy periods before more show up making it very difficult to keep all the girls from wanting to get in your loins.  While I found this was true on later nights I was usually able to manage it so only one girl would max their meter so it wasn't terrible.  Actually I do kind of like it this way as it does force you to interact with the door mechanic.

Oh also I don't know if I just can't find the settings but the girls feel a little quiet to me, turning them up a smidge would be nice.  I can barely hear what they say which is a shame cause some of the voice lines I've heard are funny.

Overall I would say the update is a 6/10, I think the direction you guys have is excellent and is definitely where you should take the game.  Gameplay has its issues currently but a lot of that I think is easy fixes (improving the bot would easily bump my score up to a 7/10).  Visuals is something that I think definitely needs improved on but that will come with time so I'm also not worried about that either.  Adding on that I got through the ending and I must say I am quite curious as to what exactly is going on with the girls.  Seeing it explored more in future updates is something I look forward too.

Nightclub level was pretty challenging. Kept me constantly focusing on the patience bars and flickering from camera to camera. The final stage was quite a surprise too, but a nice challenge.

Although I will say that while the cutscenes were nice I am very lost on what the story even is, but I'm pretty sure that may be on me. I haven't checked out that visual novel yet so that may be why.

And yeah, while I did enjoy the gameplay, an underline part of me wished that there was some more nsfw content that ties more into the player's point of view, rather than the gallery (although that does not mean I do not like the animations, they're really good so props to the animators). I also understand that the game's still under development, so I'm looking forward to what comes next. ;D


~ Nightclub Update ~

Alright, time to review dump and comment on any concerns and or bugs / mistakes that were made. 

Review: The Nightclub

Everything in my eyes was wonderful! The gameplay was well paced, and the animations were just as great. However, I do have some concerns. One, when it comes to using the repair rover to do... Well. Most things. Its speed is insufferable. Making a mass amount of errors impossible to catch up on. Say one of your rooms is being hacked downstairs, but you've got a room that needs electric restored upstairs. Meanwhile rooms need cleaned and oop! Sorry! You got jumped by one of the girls and now all of them are out to get you. Basically stopping the flow of the game and forcing you to sack your score and the rooms you cant get restored. Not to mention, if you screw up and go up the stairs towards the office? Yeah, your little repair drone falls into the void... Why not put an invisible barrier or perhaps some red ropes to signify 'hey! Don't go this way!'. It's just a mess. The final night however, was one of the most fun and challenging things I've experienced! However, having to compromise one of the girls to save from repairing multiple rooms was a tad annoying. Again, tanking score because so much is happening. But overall, the update was a blast to play. Seeing as I got it for free, buying the game all the way back when it was on sale for a short time. I wish there was just a bit more content, however even if there are no extras, and no way to view the animations from the new mode. I think this has plenty for anyone who's wishing for a shorter experience with a lot of challenging, yet simple gameplay.

One last thing I'd like to remark on is the final cutscene after everything is all said and done. There just seems to be one grammatical at the near end when the caged one says 'definitely'. It's out of place. However the point still gets across. 

Finally, I'd like to thank anyone and everyone who worked on this incredible experience! Whilst I didn't play this on steam, I'll more than likely support it there from here on. Even if I already own it on Itch, I'm more than happy to continue supporting from a platform where I can keep more in touch with updates. And if they add achievement support I'd love to see it at some point! Thank you again for the thrilling and exciting experience! I can't wait to see what you all cook up next. <3

I genuinely loved the update, it still have some bugs though...
I cant reach the second floor because the camera fall under the stairs when I try it, the rank of the night dont show and sometimes the game crashes over nothing...
Besides that it is great


When using the DRONE, you can very easily clip through the stairs when going UP. Its happened 4 times to me now in the space of 5 attempts.




So much time, so many updates and it didn’t become free. SeriouslyX2. Where I come from, for 20 years the West taught us not to pirate, but still, both as a teenager and now, I still sin on pirate sites and there is a reason:
1. I am Russian. Currently Russian rubles are not available for payment. 2. Not everyone has credit cards. Not even all adults have the desire to have a digital credit card and dance with codes



I mean, they've been putting a lot of time into this game so it's entirely reasonable for them to expect some money their way.  If you can't pay due to foreign currency can you at least subscribe to their Subscribestar page?

that costs money, too.

my man i get if you cant pay due to living in russia 

but someone choosing to not have a credit card is their decision you cant really complain about that if you make a decision and it has negative effects dealing with them is your responsibility its not on other people to adapt to your personal choices

Man I thought this would be a game about horny girls but the nightclub made me feel [redacted]

Seems like there is more to the story, and the last night [redacted] seems like the company is [redacted] 

I wonder if the Devs would make one of the levels and "observation duty" style game with a lewd twist but to get the good ending you have to beat the last night after finding all story clues scattered randomly throughout the nights (like in the first level)


Thank you very much for adding the game to Steam. Already bought it, I'll play it now)


Thank you so much!


for usn that we bought the game here, we gonna still get the same updates along whit the Steam version?


Who is the IP owner of Poppi Misty and so on?  is it MonsterBox or Aquapaulo! ??  Im confused, and don't want to buy 'out of brand' competitor material. Im new to and only came over because InHeat:LustfullNights finally came to steam as more then a demo.  ~  My main interest is to Cosplay as Poppi for my BF as a surprise. I've been helping him with an Alistor (from hazbin hotel) cosplay. He thinks I'm going to go as Loona (from Hellava Boss) but Nope! :D


Oh Aquapaulo worked on both of the games, he is a lead at MonsterBox. Id love to see the cosplay!


It'll be a while, All i have so far is stockings heh! TY for the enlightenment about who is whom relating to the MonsterBox team. I went and bought the first chapter of the honey moon too, to support you guys! or your Lead, or both! I hope this franchise really goes places for you!  You should make one of those DateingSim games too! Starting as a Janitor for the club, listening to the girls hopes and gripes, and collecting little this-and-that's to help keep them happy! graduate to a pillow-fluffer if enough of them like the janitor :), or just have a relationship with whomever you woo! jealousy stuff and temptation! losing it all, for cheating with more then one per run! Endings could be like, Become the lead manager for all the girls, or player and 1 of the girls take over the management, or a marriage with happily ever after cutscene!  Those still-image chose your adventures are a bit less, strife to program for. Just need lotsa dialog! Don't put the franchise to bed! make more stuff! <3 Get Paid! :D


so i bought the game before this update... will i have to buy it AGAIN at the new price?.

No all you need to do is go to your library by clicking your profile, find the game and you will see a download button under it, click it and thats where you'll see the new update download

ah, and would i have to buy it AGAIN if i want it on steam?..

Sure would


Will they give a key so that those of us who have purchased it here can also have it on Steam?


Maddie is bugged. She's not doing her dialogue lines and once she's at the door she no longer responds to the microwave.


Guys bought the game and it's a cool mode.

True at 4 and 5 in the night appears hacker and how to fight against him I did not understand.


She is hiding in one of the garbage cans, use the bot to find her (follow the noise althrough it is pretty apparent) and interact with the trash can


idk if i am doing stuff wrong i keep having trouble with afew things
1. when i got to night 4 in the nightclub it wouldnt let me place down the persons prepared character
2. in the night guard gamemode the lever with the colored buttons doesnt work all the time for some reason, i did it in order didnt work, i did in the order of the highlighted ones didnt work at some point i keep doing random combos cause it doesnt seem to work sometimes it works first try, is the lever thing luck based or something?


you have to press the buttons in the order of the papers you have in your room XD 


You know, I got this game a while ago and there were teeny tiny bits of lore stuff thrown in, and part of me wondered where they would go with it. I did not expect this night 12 on the nightclub, but I definitely enjoy the implications, as well as the ambience it brings to the stuff going on in the background. I want to see more lore stuff as it drives me more for following this game now than the actual porn and gameplay.


would be cool if they expanded the gallery to the gameover and caught sequences


They should also add the nightclub customer loops too...


Aye and the poledance loops


yay i buy game

The game is not in the file

only the Uniti thing

the game is in the file
check if your antivirus didnt quarantine the executable if its not that idk try redownloading

Deleted 105 days ago

if you have the paid version its at the bottom of the settings

Does not appear there in latest build. It's just absent.

well it seems you dont have the newest version or its broken did you mayby download the free version by accident? try downloading the new version again and re-check


the microwave doesnt seem to be working most of the time like 1/10 times maddie will go for it but usually she just stays in my door


It's supposed to work everytime and you're supposed to only have three uses. Seems like the new update bugged it. She doesn't even give her dialogue lines when she shows up at the door. (Which I loved xD so I noticed)


Will be running a hotfix soon!


Nightclub is frankly a big improvement; not just over the old Nightclub concept but it's finally tying to be its own game instead of just copying FNAF. Also it dropped the pointless attempt at 'horror' atmosphere and went pure smut, as it should have been.

Buggy though. I feel through the floor upstairs multiple times and there were a number of occasions where I placed a customer but the game would not let me drop a girl in. Only thing you can do it wait for the customer to leave.

The game does not explain how to fix the green lock on rooms on later nights though. It drops a hint about 'look for something suspicious on the floor' but I couldn't find anything and just had to play with 3 rooms every night. Being afraid to ever move upstairs because of the floor bug didn't help.


find the gremlin hiding in one of the trashcans using the bot and give her a boop, follow the sounds of clicking

I loved the night club, deadass had me stressing out. I noticed a bug tho. If you hold W and the up arrow at the same time while going upstairs, you'll clip through and fall off the map.

actually you don't have to hold both at the same time, it happens at random just with w.

Loved the new Nightclub! Too bad most of that isn't YouTube friendly 🤣

if i bought this ages ago, do i get a steam key at some point? i just noticed it was on the steam store...

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