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Crashed like 1 second after the game started on Linux with latest version from yesterday. The log:

#4.27.2-18319896+++UE4+Release-4.27 522 0

Disabling core dumps.

Looking for binary: ../../../INHEAT/Config/BinaryConfig.ini

MESA-INTEL: warning: Haswell Vulkan support is incomplete

Failed to find symbol file, expected location:


LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 958] 

DeviceMemoryManager->GetMemoryTypeFromPropertiesExcluding(MemoryReqs.memoryTypeBits, MemoryPropertyFlags, TypeIndex, &TypeIndex) failed, VkResult=-8

 at D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanMemory.cpp:2988 


Signal 11 caught.

Malloc Size=65538 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65554 

CommonUnixCrashHandler: Signal=11

Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=196744 

Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=327928 

Engine crash handling finished; re-raising signal 11 for the default handler. Good bye.

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I have this being sent to the dev team. thank you so much!

Problem, it keeps crashing saying only Fatel Error even tho my windows laptop is up to date, I even restarted it and still get it, help

Since crashes like this are rare. could you perhaps jump into the discord?

Sure no problem.

So how many videos are there in total at current? also is there a way to keep my save data when i update?

We have about 7 videos atm. Your data should persist regardless of downloading an updated executable. <3

So hey Ive gotten I think all of the Sammy animations but I cant seem to get anymore poppi or nile animations. Im using the plushies too. Should I reset save?

Nile has 2, so if you got both you should be good, To get Poppi you need to play the minigame and win!

So poppi only has one as of now? Good to know. I was about to spend around too much time trying to find easter eggs or some secret stuff to unlock more. One more thing though if its all the same with you. Is the shark girl on the poster in the office talking about a concert a tease to a future character?

how do you get the sammy animations?

(1 edit) (+1)

Haven't played too much of the build, but the camera movement makes me nauseous. I'm not trying to be rude, but its dizzying and hurts my head. I like it over the previous build where it swiveled at whatever interval. I'm not a game designer but maybe having the camera move with the mouse instead of to and fro? Really nit picky, but the sanity bar is hard to tell when its near the top, doesn't matter too much but adding a border would be nice. 

Good work guys

I don't have the same problem with it making me nauseous but I do think it might play smoother if it followed the mouse instead of fixed angles.

(2 edits) (+2)

Tried the new nsfw build; seems to have fixed most things.  Haven't seen the porn on the monitor go off, and the tank version of the minigame can't fire now.  Still, it's overall an improvement from the initial build.

IMO I still think some of the rooms are still too dark though.  This isn't a horror game like other FNAF spinoffs, not even a little bit (and that's a good thing).  We WANT to see the girls.

(14 edits) (+1)

Hey, first of all I want to say great job on the game so far! This update definitely fixed a lot of the problems mechanically and visually but there were still some problems/things I noticed and felt like sharing.
-It seems like sometimes the audio indicator for a girl showing up at the glass doesn't always play.

-Buying an item from the shop should remove it from the pool so that you can get unacquired items to spawn, for instance I am on night 14 and haven't seen the Nile plushie once.

-Sometimes it seems like stuff breaks way too often, for instance I put the box back in the lab and watched it fall out right after I put it in.

-At times it can feel kind of stagnant when nothing is happening due to the fact that there isn't anything to do when you have downtime. Since you don't actually have to watch any of the girls or even look at 50% of the cameras only needing to look at the ones with breakable tasks.

-If you have to close both doors your sanity drains very quickly and if you combo that with something needing to be fixed it sort of feels like there isn't much you can do about it because of the cooldown on the stress relief toy.

-The cleaning robot shows up at one door but then teleports to the other when it decides to come in.

-The girls in the holding area will sometimes use the animation for being against the glass which looks really weird as they just float in the air next to the wall.

-Finally all of the animations look beautiful but there seems to be some framerate issues in the gallery videos at the start of the video loops. And they auto close after the the second half finishes which is a little annoying if you want to enjoy looking at something longer like the "results" of the Sammey video.

A few features I think might be interesting to add would be the option to spend tickets on other things such as upgrades(like reduced heat build-up from each click of the toy), dates/events with the girls, cosmetics/costumes for the girls.

-An affinity system with the girls where the more times they have fun with you the more it goes up unlocking alternate versions of scenes.

-The ability to customize your desk before the game instead of having to finish your current night to change stuff.

-A camera zoom function to get a better look at the girls.

-The ability to invite a girl in when she is at the glass instead of waiting.

-Adding a hints option to the gallery to help you get scenes you missed as well as the ability to see if there are any scenes you have missed.

-Adding the game over scenes to the gallery after getting one.

-When you get a game over from one of the girls I agree with Luric that the camera being zoomed out a little more might be nice. Making it it's own scene like the videos where you can continue for a scene where you finish and have control of the camera would be a fantastic change.

-Lastly I think there should be more interactivity between you and the girls by them doing stuff like actively trying and seduce you to open the doors for them, rewarding you with different game over scenes if you do. I feel this would allow the game to show more emphasis on how horny the girls are and their attempts to get in your room through every possible tactic they can think of and makes a bit more sense considering every girl first goes up to the glass anyways before breaking in, it's not like they just sneak into your room or walk in if you leave it open.

 Once again I just wanted to say great job with everything so far and I hope to see this game continue to build from what it has and be successful!


heres my update on the newest version:

much much much better overall. great job on everything.

machines now break again. the game is now much better again.

I personally like the adjustments to the visuals. it looks much better to me now.

I did get the nile video whereas I could not before.

the sounds are now much more obvious for me in terms of what they mean. I figured out very quickly which sounds meant what whereas before I was confused about the sounds and didn't get what they meant.

a few things for bugs.

the robot always comes in the opposite door hes peeking in from. He will move very quickly to the other side then come in from the other side. I dont know if that is intentional or not seeing as how he just extends his neck then goes behind you and dissapears. The robot is hilarious. I love it. If him doing that is intended its funny. If its a bug I almost don't want you to fix it because its perfect the way it is.

when exiting the camera if you are to the right of where the office is your character will be looking to the right and quickly go to look forward again.

Although the machines now break again I have yet to see porn play on the monitor in this version. may need adjusting.

overall fantastic update fixed all the important issues. I will continue posting updates if I notice anything that has broken.


I think the camera needs to be zoomed out a tiny bit more on jumpscare and the following death scene.


May I ask why the NSFW Version looks and works different to the SFW version? I'm just confused that the NSFW version doesn't include the ability to fix the machines (even when it has the sounds indicated something is broken) and only lets you stop the characters from getting into your office.

I started playing the NSFW version and though it was just stuff that would come later and that I may have been playing an older version but then I played the SFW version and everything is there. I actually enjoyed the SFW version more since I was basically just continuously playing the same night in the NSFW version.

Deleted 2 years ago

This should be fixed with the new build. But we originally had the minigames on a timer with the cleaner robot. When normalizing the rates for everything we accidently made the minigames have much less pop-up rates.


Y'all should add a sexual frustration bar on all the robots and when it reaches max they block the doorway and you have to please them in some type of way specific to that bot's fetish...and until you satisfy them you can't close that specific door! :)

That kinda defeat's the purpose of keeping them out since they already want to bang you anyway but it would make sense if one of them did this or if a new character did this

they could make u use some kind of toys or some kind of elaborate machinery that u need to activate. Kinda like in SCP:CB for the containment of scp 106

I could do this, but it would conflict with the lore. We will have more and more sexy stuff introduced with further updates, so don't worry!

Deleted 312 days ago

To obtain the other clips, you need to buy the squeezable plushies. The Sammi and Nile(Tiger and Egyptian girl respectively) plushies give a single clip per night completed and Sammi definitely has multiple. I've tried the Poppi plushie(the bunny) but you get nothing from that one. Just a warning, after night 10 there is a chance that your game will glitch out and you will be stuck on the ending screen instead of going to the store.

i got poppi but how do i get the others

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

just play 1 hour and you will get a reward Nsfw or something i dont have money to buy nsfw so i dont know too much about Nsfw, im just play a demo just for sfw

is there only one scene so far? made to to day 4 and still can only unlock one?


So I just discovered something as the game bugged out at the end of the night...go ahead and hit the door button over and over again.


played a couple hours and really like it so far. ran into a bug where im on night 18 and for some reason after the night ends it just doesnt transition to the shop, it just sticks to the office with the only things you can do are click on the radio and the plush


I cannot access the shop after surviving the night and it forces me to restart the game. It's a good game albeit incomplete. 
Is there anyway to reset progress? You mentioned in a deleted post that I would need to access the corefile to delete and reset the progress. I tried finding it to no avail and redownloading it doesn't reset it either (weird..)

I enjoyed it nonetheless. 

I had that issue. I'm not 100% sure, but I find that not being in the camera screen at all helps prevent the bug. That, and/or not clicking anything after the victory text pops up. Hope that helps!


Unfortunately that is not the case. I played night 12 and I didn't use the cameras at all yet I still got the same glitch. Survive appears on screen, the UI disappears and then nothing. All i can do is interact with the plush(and not put it down) and open/close the doors which as an aside, go ahead and open/close the door over and over again. Theres a funny result.


I found the save folder under


I erased the InHeat-folder to reset the game.


Found it, cheers.


This game is fantastic! Looking forward to the next updates.

Thank you so much for the video!

I bought this game hours after it came out and got say I enjoyed it can't wait to see more ;)

questions if you had to guess how long do you think this game will be complete


The coder says he will be finished by October. But I am feeling more early 2023

okay cheers

I was going to throw a $2 sub on subscribe star because i like the idea of the game and enjoyed the demo a fair deal, but for whatever reason its limited to only 5 2 dollar subscribers?

There was a point where we were using patreon. After a couple of scares we decided to move to Subscribestar. The 2 dollar subs were a promotion back in the day when we switched.  I do apologize.

That's fair, I can get why you'd keep next tier at 5 as that gives access to the game right that's.. I'm on mobile and can't actually check while typing but 9.99? 

All I want to say is for one, I don't have a lot of money to support a lot of games or other creators, but I do support and I imagine there might be a fair deal of others that do too. 2 bucks is nothing compared to 9.99 but it'd be 2 bucks every month that the game is not complete and as new versions come out.

Granted. You do lose out if someone throws 2 bucks and ends up unsubscribing immediately or only subscribes when a major update happens but I imagine people like that would just find other means of getting the game if ya get what I mean.

If a cheaper option ever pops up again I'd personally support the game monthly, but  until then I'm just going to either wait until it's finished or sub once every now and again when there's a significant content update.

That all said, I do wish for all the luck yas can get as I enjoyed the demo a lot and still very much like the idea of it. 

(On a unrelated note to what I was talking about, regarding the demo, would it be possible to either reset everything or to click the phone on night one to listen to the tutorial? I was clicking everything trying to find it and ended skipping it and it took a good while to learn everything though failure)


Hey so loving the aesthetic and overall gameplay so far and had to buy it.

Although I was wondering if unlocks were made more sparse after the new update? Also, I think the side bars for changing your view should be slightly thinner for better access to the stress toy. And maybe a little more brightness in some areas?

Just stuff I thought would be semi-useful to point out.

Thank you so much, the brightness issue should be solved with the newest update, alongside better plushy rates. Granted there is still much work to be done.


Hey so a few notes from the last version I played:

I like that it doesnt play a blaring horn when someone shows up anymore and its just a subtle tap on the window. much better in my opinion.

Like a few other people I saw there I have never had one of the machines break and require fixing. I still hear the sound that I believe to be a machine breaking. the gasp sound. In the previous version that would always mean something is broken. it has not happened once yet.

the video playback is very very choppy and slow in the gallery now. the video that I had on the previous build was smooth and had no issues.

the clock on top displays strange times sometimes. What I believe should be 8 is sometimes 1. sometimes its bugged.

I am not sure if this is a bug but the pc doesnt appear to change at all if I swap it with a different model that I have bought.

Everything has become much more blurry and dark compared to the previous version. the darker part could be fine. but it overall looks a bit worse like someone put vaseline on the screen which I do not like. If there was an option to turn up the brightness I think this would be the best option.

Sometimes the girls will be in different positions when they come up the windows still. Sammi will sometimes be halfway behind the wall and appears to be looking at me through the wall. I dont know if that is intentional or not. I havent lost as of yet so I dont think its unfair just noting that.

last note the desk is too far away. having it be on the opposite side of the room makes most of the customization items feel quite pointless because I can hardly see anything.

I appreciate the new features but overall the game does feel a bit worse now almost entirely because half of the challenge that being having to go and fix things appears to be broken. I do like where the game is headed and I do think and hope you guys

will be able to address the issues that have popped up here.


Thank you so much Direwolf for this critique, we would be heading nowhere fast if it wasn't without your assistance!
1: We will be definitely adjusting the RNG and releasing a build within the next week. Multiple times this has come up. I do believe that the fixing minigame is the most essential part of the admin room level. So we need to make sure it is something that needs constant upkeep. A fellow player mentioned that possibly the gooroom camera minigame should be an upkeep, rather than rng. (Just means you have to go in and crank it every 30 seconds or so) We are very open to experimentation. 

The Video Playback is an issue with Unreal itself. We have a fix in mind that will likely be rolled out during a major update. 

Ill be sure to have them look at the clock a bit more, perhaps its triggers are missing something.

And with the darkness/Vaseline comment. We have been experimenting with the visuals, so I appreciate the feedback. None of that stuff is grounded and will be changed if need be. 

The desk is a difficult one, since we cared more about the doors when we were looking at pov. We wanted to make sure you could see both doors decently while in the mid position. We could move the desk towards the player, but that might not allow enough room for the robot to come inside.  We will play around with it and see what we can do. 

Once again, I appreciate the feedback! I hope you will continue to enjoy our game!

Thanks for the response. I appreciate the communication. I do think having it be constant would be a better mechanic and have the rng be soley on the girls showing up to the office. I think the best option would be as the nights go on things break more often with less rng for the girls showing up so they show up more often.

The video playback makes sense. When I did game development stuff it was mostly in unity but I do have a friend who worked with unreal and he did complain about some things like video playback being annoying. I cant fault you for that all that much. One thing to add for the clock the 5 is backwards during 5:00. other than that the time is right nights last the right amount of time I believe.

Yea I would say the main thing for the desk is the customization aspect. the customization options could be made bigger maybe or other stuff in addition to the desk like posters maybe could make the customization better. I really do like the game I think you have a lot of good ideas.

yeah I agree with everything Direwolf said the game is kinda worse now since it doesn't work properly. The gameplay for me is just shutting the doors and squeezing the toy since nothing breaks now. 


Hey, love the game so far! I've been grinding all the way to night 15 to get the Sammy plush, but only got her to appear once when I didn't have the money for her. Also when I finish night 15 the game stays on the gameplay section without the HUD and doesn't take me to the store or even let me pause and quit.

Unfortunate! I think when more items are added this issue will be fixed. And yes it seems like 15+ might be bugged, will be addressing it soon. Mad props for getting there! that will definitely be a rare steam achievement in the future!

I think it says a lot that I played until then! If I might make a suggestion, I've noticed plushies appear on the cameras, perhaps hiding them around and clicking on enough of the same character plush could guarantee that plush being buyable at the end of the night, or perhaps unlock it outright? Just a thought, keep up the great work!

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm playing the new update (paid version) and the stuff that you're supposed to fix hasn't broken once after 4 nights.  Also you can get attacked during the tutorial night phone call before he can even explain anything, and you can't close the right door without hanging up the phone.

As for the desk stuff, it's way too dark to see most of it.

Interesting. When playing I never had that issue but testers have. I have told the programmer about it. Its just rng being bad. 

(3 edits)

I'll try it some more, but 2 more nights and I've still seen nothing break or the porn video pop up.  I also haven't seen the cleaning robot show up.

Edit: Nope, I'm going to go ahead and say these things are definitely not working in the NSFW version.  Checked on f95 forums and others are reporting the same issues.

i like this but its kinda frustrating  the heat goes down fast and it doesnt really give you any direction.  im still new to this game so if anyone has any tips please help

(1 edit)

The programmers say to keep squeezing it on rhythm. I personally spam the squeezing and then put it down before heat hits max. Resetting its cooldown :^)

so i unlocked a video through the minigame but how to get the rest of them please ?

Get a Sammy or Nile plushy and survive a night~

How exactly do you get these ? Is it from the end of shift shop ?

Because I have played 5 nights so far and the shop didnt have them. I saw plushies in the cameras but I couldnt click on those.

thank you


Finally a new update :d

Yeah this was a rework so it took a bit longer, we should be getting out updates on a rather consistent basis now. 

So the clock shows 6 am but nothing is happening the night isn't ending...besides that everything else is a huge upgrade from the last build!!

(2 edits)

It should switch at 8am, If you continue looking at the clock, time will slow. Thank you so much for checking out this build! I appreciate it!


Love this game! I cant wait for updates, keep on keeping on!


Really refreshing to see an actually good fnaf type nsfw game so really glad to have purcased it. Love it so far and can't wait for future updates.

Quick question. Is there only two scenes from being caught, that bunny and anubis like character (i'm not really sure what they are because of the low lighting) or is there a way to get those other girls in your office aswell because if so i just have them standing there then leaving about a minute later 

Deleted 1 year ago

You noticed the new poster! Yeah ill be hinting at the updates throughout our discord, tiktok, and Subscribestar feeds. I am super happy you enjoyed the first build, and hope that you are ready for the next one coming in the next few days. 

I've fully purchased the game, yet I'm being told I'm only playing the demo when it comes to accessing content. Is this intentional?

(1 edit)

This will be completely fixed in the next update. The Demo is going to stay outdated while the payed builds are going to get the monthly/semi-weekly updates. 

Love it so far, do y'all plan on adding more to the "game over" scenes soon, or is that a thing that's either further down the road or not happening at all?

Oh heck yeah, plenty more game over scenes

love this game!

Thank you so much!, hopefully the new update coming out will have you coming back for more


if you don’t know what 3d characters are it’s different than any other game


like all the girls 


it needs to look at some definition of the game 


If you want to keep the game up you need new clothes and characters that are  characters   five nights at Freddy’s

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