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Don't like how Nile can break a camera if you click on a minigame since you're still technically on the same camera. Plus how are you still doing the minigame after the camera breaks.
I also think breaking thee camera forever is a little too harsh. Even 4 hours would be reasonable.

I also wish Ari would close the door behind her if it was closed when she came in.

The doll is too hard to find when it gets stolen considering how vital it is for survival. I swear a couple of times it just vanished completely.

We are still fine tuning the systems. I will bring this feedback up with the team! 

Deleted 180 days ago

Thank you!
We plan on releasing a build here very soon that might surprise you! Stay tuned


Here are my far-too-wordy thoughts on the new demo:


  • Having low sanity result in deafness is an interesting idea for a game with so many audio cues. It also appears to make the camera transition between rooms more slowly, so it creates kind of a snowballing effect where things just get worse and worse the more you ignore your sanity--I like it. It really emphasizes that you need to watch that meter.
  • The game's presentation looks great. Character models look really good, the environment's getting fleshed out (and having everything be well-lit really helps show that off), and the VA's are doing a stellar job.
  • I like the new gimmicks quite a bit, by which I mean Sammy getting in your face, Poppy's bomb doll, and Nile killing cameras if she feels like she's being ignored. It gives each of the girls something to do besides trying to break into the control room, while also emphasizing their individual personality traits. (I do kinda miss the hypnosis thing Nile used to do, but mechanically speaking the bomb doll covers pretty much the same "think fast!" role so I guess I'm just averse to change. Also, quick idea for the next NSFW update: maybe switching to Nile's dead cameras can play some of those "bonus" videos. As a distraction.)

THE "BAD" (this is subjective, ignore at your leisure)

  • I know I just said I like the gimmicks, but not when they all happen at the same time--which is far too often. It's surprisingly common on Night 4 to see girls at both windows, while Sammy's in your face so you can't interact with anything, and the bomb doll is at the ceiling, AND the stress doll's been stolen when you weren't looking, AND the light is red so you have to fix stuff on the cameras ASAP, except none of that stuff even gets a chance to kill you 'cause your sanity dropped below 25% so Ari decides to barge in and bop you on the head. Maybe only allow one gimmick in the room at a time? And have some kind of universal cooldown for gimmicks so seeing one at least means you have some time to breathe before the next one happens? Just throwing some ideas out there.
  • I feel like 25% sanity is a bit soon for Ari to start showing up. Considering that sanity now drains passively, and that so many things already prevent you from regaining your sanity (losing the stress doll, Sammy getting up close and personal, or just getting caught up in fixing stuff on the cameras), it really feels like 25% sanity is just kind of early to start worrying about an unstoppable one-shot from a character that doesn't even seem to announce herself like the others do. And even when you can use the stress doll, Misty will one-shot you if you use it too liberally, so it can really take a while to get your sanity at a healthy level, and the entire time Ari is at risk of taking you out. My idea for a solution: hold off on Ari showing up until your sanity is at 0%. Then she can show up at the window and start tapping the glass, which can be her sign that she'll bust that door down in 30 seconds if you don't get your sanity back. Anyway, I'm just trying to make suggestions instead of sitting back and complaining. You're the developers, and it's your show.
  • Just some minor bug/balance stuff, like characters attacking after being against the window for less than two seconds, or going from being against the window to being in their pre-window positions with no cooldown. I also got a softlock once, while the bomb doll was in the room when the night was close to finished. Maybe the doll blew up and the shift ended at roughly the same time and the game got confused?

Sorry for the massive wall of text, I just wanted to offer some feedback. And the major takeaway from that feedback should be: the game's coming along really well. There are some wrinkles that can be ironed out, but that'll come with time and playtesting. You're doing great, can't wait to see more!

Thank you, I will relay this feedback back to the team! I appreciate walls of text they give much insight into the players process!

I bought the prequel thinking that it will be an expanded version of the demo. I wonder if I will also get access to the full game when it releases? 


Yes you will! we released the demo to fine tune aspects of the game for future release. 

the Mac demo doesn't open

Can you please join the discord and send us your specs? I would love to get to the bone of this issue!

does anyone know what to do with the 3 buttons and lever? I don't even know how I got it to work before the update but now I don't know why it's not working anymore

the post-it notes in the office tell you the order to press them in

i really enjoy the game Im stuck on night 4 and i keep getting killed by ari and blackouts anyone know what im doing wrong?


You need to upkeep your sanity by using the plushy a bit more. also look around the camera for broken machinery to fix, the colored bar in your office should alert you when it changes colors to check. We will have a more comprehensive tutorial soon!


pretty good demo, if I purchase it what are the differences between the old build and this demo? 

I read some other reviews and see many people saying night 2 is too difficult but it only took me a few tries. I would say my main critique is that its kinda difficult to understand some mechanics.

For example the power situation going down, it took me a bit to figure out the falling robots need to be clicked on. Not sure what causes the doll to vanish and not sure what the green lady with the gun/how to combat her mechanic.


The doll randomly gets stolen just to screw with you.

Ari is there to make sure you're not losing your mind (and also keeps the girls from getting you if she's in the door). Just keep your sanity above like 25% and you won't have to worry about her.

The Demo has a better gameplay than the full game. In the full game u get access to a better intro, teaser, and the NSFW.

(1 edit)

So we are currently setting up the Unity build, we released it as a demo to get as much user feedback as possible. You will be seeing a new paid build with the NSFW functionality turned back on in the near future!

I see, I see! Thanks for the info!


When the monster girls are standing in the doorway I wish we could click on them to flirt with them, and maybe they flirt back? Little bits of interactivity like this make them seem less like puppets.


Sounds like a good idea, I'll see what we can do!


I liked the horizontal sanity bar with the bars that turn red. I think the vertical sanity bar is just bleh. Bad aesthetic. I think the bars made a cleaner UI.

I will make a better ui very soon!


I like the game a lot, all the characters have a lot of personality in their animations and designs (and in the few bits of dialog) and I like the different tasks you have to complete so you're not just sitting there doing nothing for like 5 minutes.

My main issue with the game is the awful RNG, I can't speak for others but I died about ten times in a row just because the plush would disappear the second Ari pokes her head in the doorway so by the time I've found the plush I was beaten to death with a broom.   (I did beat it eventually)

I hope the RNG is tweaked in the future so something like that doesn't happen nearly as often.

The plush is getting a HEAVY balance soon as with a plethora of other things, thank you for your feedback it matters a lot to us!


Playing the new demo. I think the monster girls should be less murdery and more rapey. Just my 2 cents.

Depends on character, Maddie and Ari probably would rather murder. Wheras Poppi and Nile absolutely need YOUR cock. NSFW interactions will be in very soon, we appreciate your patience!

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)



We need smut

filthy, depraved smut

I need sex.

Yes XD more 

(2 edits) (+2)

how do you download new updates to the game, I bought the game when version 0.75 came out but if I try to download any of the new content it asks for me to rebuy the game, and when I go to my library the only files I can download are for the first nights game and an asset package.


You got an email when you bought the game and there is a link that sends you to an installation website 


You can also go to your library and it'll have the game there

Currently you must download new demos via the game page, but what these folks are saying is completely correct. When we release the new NSFW build, it will be available in your game library!

Please do join the discord if you have any more questions.

Really like the new update

So did they just make it impossible to play now? I don't even know what I'm supposed to fix now and the plushie keeps disappearing to the shadow realm. Also game starts to slow down and cameras become broken so I can't fix what I know is fixable. Glad it is just the demo and I didn't waste my money


Those are actually game features believe it or not. Camera breaks because you failed to a condition with one of the girls (keep an eye out for who is consistently on your screen right before it breaks). Plushie disappears not to the shadow realm but to somewhere around the map cuz the girls like to play tricks on you.

Audio queues are your best friend but in order to get those, you need to make sure your sanity it up.

The game is just a bit harder now but to each their own. If you plan to give it another shot, GLHF!

I love the new build all the new mechamics to. its so animated and a few interaction made me laugh like how the mascot blocks your view or how the wolf maid peaks in with judgmental eyes lol. they feel more alive. its loads better then the original and super fun. i look forward to future updates.




hi, how can I contact support? I want a refund because I don't like the game

I am sorry about your experience. 
Please send either itch support a ticket, if that doesn't work please contact us on discord! 

(1 edit)

games so buggy it keeps crashing i managed night one but it keeps crashing with errors over and over and im playing on the worst quality

Which variant are you playing?


I have played the new demo, and I have to say it is great! I love the new integrations for the characters, and the game is on par (if not vastly exceeding) your older build/builds. I can tell you have a lot going for this game, and I am eager to see what the next update will bring.
I also really like the new menu. Very good, very nice.

*slow clap gif*

*slow clap gif*






Okay so only fair is to judge it the way it is now. So: For a demo of gameplay honestly its really nice, a bit more polish here and there and its gonna be great. Of course we want NSFW but its just a matter of time after all :) 
More focus on the girl mechanics is perfect, small tweaks needed like the bomb + our main girl combo too frustrating at times.
For the time being ignoring the SFW nature and comparing it to builds before 7,5/10 for a demo.
I got lured with cool animations and characters and i know u guys will deliver. Keep at it champs! :

Greetings, I previously bought In Heat a while back. Is that purchase only good for that build of the game? Or will it update when new versions are released?

Nah you just have to download the new version


Bad Demo.
I came for smut. There was no smut. There is no setting to enable that in the options.
Game has sanity drop waaaaay too freaking fast - can barely interact with the plushie fast enough to get a full bar of sanity.

Your character will be panting in fear before you finish panning the camera on a single room. 

And second night is just full of lose, lose, lose, lose. And no smut to break the monotony. 

Seriously, felt like a waste of my time and left me rather irritated. I like games where you feel torn - do I lose to experience a nifty  lose scene? Or do I try hard to win? THis game with the bad sanity meter, and the dogpile of poorly explained things on the second night, sucks.

I can't even go into a gallery or encyclopedia to learn what's going on.

So, in finality:
No story.
No Smut.
Irritating (or broken!) sanity mechanic 

You play this game, you're just spamming minigame after minigame with no cookies.


I know it's not perfect and I have not yet played this exact demo. But in previous builds, you had to earn the good smut. There were secret challenges you had to be observant to find. There usually was enough information or hints given to nudge you in the right direction. Also, this game has been reworked a lot. Hagv8ing errors and bugs are to be expected. 

I can appreciate earning the good smut.
There was no smut, FYI.

I noticed no hints. In level 1 I did notice the phone and the guy told me what was needed. Be nice to residents, look out for bombs and how to defuse them,  up right the knocked over stuff, close doors, valves, etc.

A lot was annoying - not scary.
My character hyperventilating  before I finished panning any given room.
The shark throwing tantrums about the squeaky toy.
THe bomb doll not giving any noise so I have to exit the cameras after any given panning to take care of the bomb doll.

Apart from the initial phone call on level 1, no hints. Nothing.


ur so bitchy for what, how are u having skill issues in an nsfw furry game?

No way you're mad because the character aren't popping their pussy enough for you. I bet you're even more mad because the characters don't have dicks you nasty ass horny degenerate. These have plenty of smut have fun stop bitching.

I am sorry you feel that way, we will be integrating an assist mode so that people who aren't keen on the gameplay can have an easier experience getting the NSFW content when it drops. Rest assured we will be tweaking the difficulty and such quite a bit. In the meantime if I can assist with anything please let me know!

The 5th night is too difficult. Please fic the rate the girls spawn and fix the fuse box. Tbh I dont even know how to solve the dam thing or tell if its even working. Some help or hints would be nice. The valve game is also not fun. This game has gone through so much changes and the older builds were just in a sense better. The map was more detailed. The girls themselves Im still getting used too their visual updates especially the main girl. I dont know anymore about playing this game I just feel like its lost a lot and has become more difficult.

Also I keep losing to Ari, I do not understand what I need to do to keep her from beating me. I've lost so many run on the final night just because I do not know how to deal with her.

(1 edit)

Ari gets you for having low sanity, so you have to keep it up if she's anywhere near the door (which she will open to check in on you).  Just pray to RNGesus that Sammy doesn't steal your toy or get in you face at the same time.  

i bought the game a last mount I noticed im missing a lot of content not sure if its the old version it doesn't show that new colorful menu that says play arcade and so on

if so how do i update it

Check out the demo on the main page!

Finaly beat night 5!


Going to tbh, i don't like the new demo balancing wise. poppi bomb and Sammy taunt combo basically being an almost unwinnable death, the chance of having any of them tag team the window wouldn't be the problem if the spawn rate wasn't too high which could lead to the shark/sanity killing ya, and can't tell if bug or feature but the fuse box just straight up being an 50/50 chance of not working is annoying since for me it the first to go. i like the new areas and visuals but god rng is just a bit too unfair for being the early nights.

Gotcha, we will be running some changes very soon here!

For some reason i can't download the windows version demo. it keeps saying download interrupted or removed after it is done downloading


i just finished the demo and i've got to say i was pleasantly suprised as somebody who enjoys fnaf like games. The minigames on the camera keep you busy in a fun way! (except for the buttons that seems like NRG) Though despite that searching for what's wrong and solving it as quickly as possible makes keeping the girls off intense as they make your way towards the office. 

One part where the game does tumble a little bit is explaining exactly what the girls do. i've beaten all nights and am still unsure what triggers the main girl (i forget the name) to distract you in the office or what the *large chested* girl does in the final night.

When i reached the end of the Demo i was a bit surprised there wasn't any NSFW content especially since so much was shown on the itch page but despite all this i would say i had a lot of fun with the game!

The game definitely still requires some tweaking or better tutorialization but overall i would say it's well worth a download as it shows great potential for content yet to come

(1 edit)

where is the old demo its not available to download anymore?

I am sorry, we had to replace it. Many users complained about how hard it is to find builds so we had to downsize. If you are really eager to play In Heat unreal version 0.4 please DM Smug on discord, and we can get you set up.

(1 edit)

Just finished messing around in this new demo, and I do like how there is more stuff to interact with. That being said, I was having issues with the power box puzzle. From my understanding, you're supposed to click the lights in a simon-says like pattern. I would do this, but it wouldn't work until during one of my runs, it did, for seemingly, no other reason. Not sure if it's a speed thing or not, but I thought I would mention it. Also, I can also agree, the second night does dog pile everything on you at once. Which is a bit frustrating. Juggling the puzzles in the cameras, with the bomb plush, the girls themselves always consistently at both doors, along with your sanity, which drops rapidly, because of the  latter, and having Misty mess you up when using the stress plush to often, does become nearly impossible to get though. One last thing. We need the NSFW content back in. It doesn't make sense for a fnaf smutt parody to not have the smutt. Lol


are there any nsfw scenes in the demos ?

(1 edit)

Just tested out the new Demo, Poppi still seems to pose in her T-pose so far. Also it a nice addition that you can now move the camera with the WASD keys which make it easier to look up and down and check where the girls are. But some of the keys are a bit unclear and at some point it feels a bit overhelming with "too much button" on the screen that kinda distract, but otherwise it good that the key prompt to reminds me where the Camera button is. However at some point the Q and E selection of the object make me accidentally click on object at my TV room though. Maybe I am still not use to the new control scheme and still used to the old 0.75 version.

I personally find the pacing at Night 2 a bit too "Hectic" where everything kind of fall down on you. I try to get the hang on the new mechanic like how to turn the Valve and the Light Switch. But the problem is that during solving these mini puzzle, have to deal with Poppi sending me a bomb, Sammy sudden turning up and distracting me and meanwhile I am losing sanity. I wish the pacing for Night 2 could "slow a little bit" just so that I can get the hang on the mechanic with the puzzle, maybe then in Night 3 and Night 4 start to increase the pace of the game. Sorta like the old 0.75 version where the pacing feels a bit natural during the 5 night

 But otherwise looking forward to this game. Also just finally bought this game for Halloween discount!

The T-pose is supposed to happen.  After the initial glitch, they made it into her "thing".  The previous build actually had her doing it, then slightly losing her balance.

Oh, alright. I really should catch up on Discord...

It was always a feature :^)


Hi, i like the new demo. Its Fun to have more to look at and manage. The new little events made it less repetativ to before (of course, if we get a lot more of them). I also like how the fixing now works. Its much more stress full to repair the wheel with a mini event then just clicking it, while they try to sabotage the next one.

For the Nil heart, i dont like it because it gives me "savety". I know now how long i should look at her and when i double check her, i know she is still chill.

The graphics seems kind of to me now, its a mix of realistig Textures with stylized. The before version had them fit to each other. Its a little weird whend the girls show up and they have thes cartoonish look and the wall behinde is realistig and i can see the wallpaper structure

the controls are a bit clunky but i guess thats bacause ist just a demo of the new UE system.

I noticed, when your in a minigame with the wheel, and you click the correct times on the wheel so it should go in to the green and you skip to early out, then its stuck there until you go back in to the wheel.

Sorry if i misspelled something or my sentences are weird, english is my second language

Have a nice day^^

Thank you! I hope you are having a wonderful day!

I have sent this over to the core team, We will definitely get a bit more polish for Niles mechanics. 

You did fine btw, everything was readable!


Try the demo. does that give you any errors?

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